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Things Scientifically Proven To Attract Women

Since the ability to attract a woman is seen as a greater scientific mystery than alchemy, there have been many studies on this subject. Next time you go to the club in an attempt to seduce a woman (hint: the girls you find in clubs usually aren’t the droids you’re looking for, silly Stormtrooper), take a look at these 10 scientifically proven (I’ve said so twice, so it must be true!) methods to attract the ladies. Or as we call them in “the hood”, women.
10. A Ring
More specifically, a wedding ring! I guess Beyoncé wasn’t lying after all, huh?
09. Beards
Added bonus: no more daily shaving for you, my friend!
08. Playing Guitar
What, you thought Keith Richards got laid because he looks like a Greek god?

07. Deodorant
Not really rocket science here – women like it if you don’t stink that stinky, rutting-buck stink. And so does everyone within an arm’s length of you.

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